The key to tackle poverty that befalling the poor families does not lie in doling out benefits to them. The focus here should be on equipping them with all the necessary tools (quality education, healthcare, safety and security, professional skills, etc.) so that they can attain personal economic growth and in turn contribute to their own, society’s and country’s growth.

The recent crises in Yemen, Syria, Iraq, for example, have brought rising unemployment, loss of urban and rural livelihoods, and interruption in public sector salary payments, which in turn are compounding the impact of higher commodity prices and localized commodity shortage. As a result, more people will struggle to meet their needs as livelihoods opportunities erode or vanish, and prices continue to rise. Poverty rate will increase, meaning that people not directly affected by the crises will need humanitarian assistance.

INSAN’s livelihood projects aim to assist communities and individuals to rely on themselves through small entrepreneurial projects, including small shops/vending, animal husbandry, motorcycle (for transport) or other relevant livelihood schemes. Such assistance facilitates income generation and promotes the culture of self-reliance.


Year 2018 was a pioneer year for INSAN to have implemented its first livelihood project in  the governerate of Taiz, Yemen. This livelihood project is basically a vocational  training for rural poor, mostly ladies (who lost their spouses from arms conflict). The name of the livelihood project is,  “My Career is In My Hand”  whereby the participants were trained  in the area of tailoring and embroidery. This income generating vocational training was carried out to reduce poverty and improve livelihood of the poor and to promote their self-esteem and self-reliance. Upon the completion of the vocational training, the trainees would be able to find job or start their own micro businesses.

My Career is In My Hand project witnessed four (4) women participating in the program whereby they were trained and given with the sewing and embroidery machines together with the accessories. The project was carried out incoordination with our partner in Yemen, Muath  Development Foundation and a total of RM14,440 was spent on the project.


Project Name


Place or Location



Year Implemented


Total Beneficiary (No.)


Total Cost (RM)


My Career is In My Hand



Taiz Governerate, Yemen








خيارات التبرع

Every Donation Saves Lives.

INSAN continues to contribute towards improving food availability to the most vulnerable families by distributing  food security pack and ready meals food packs for them.

RM 300.00
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Donation Total: RM300.00

RM 75.00
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Donation Total: RM75.00

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